Our school lunchtime drop-ins provide a safe space for students to come and make friends, play games and let off steam, as well as connect with our youth workers. We’re currently running these drop-ins in three schools across Guildford.
Freddy* attended our drop-in at George Abbot and initially was very quiet, reserved and shy, seeming awkward around the other students. Freddy started to connect with our Youth Worker, Josh and they played card games together, he told us “I love being able to hang out and chat with Josh.”

Gradually over time, Freddy became chattier and he started helping out with the drop-in sessions. Freddy would help out with the register, getting some of the other students to sign in, we began to see him grow in confidence and really come out of his shell.
Our Lunchtime drop-ins currently run during term time in the following schools;
Guildford County: Tuesdays, 1.00pm – 2.00pm
George Abbot: Tuesdays 11.45am – 12.15pm
Christ’s College: Wednesdays 1.20pm – 1.55pm.
*Name changed.