Virtual Youth Hubs

Matrix Youth Hubs have gone VIRTUAL!

Invite your friends, and join young people from across Guildford Borough every Thursday afternoon from 3pm for fun and games!

What is a Virtual Youth Hub?

These social sessions are designed for young people (Years 7-9) to have a space they can meet, have fun, and catch up with their friends within a safe virtual Youth Hub.

Just like our usual weekly Youth Hubs, Virtual Youth Hub will provide young people with a space to let off steam and ‘meet’ friends in a safe and fun environment.

Each session will include loads of fun games and a chance to chat with each other and our Youth Workers.  Activities will include games like an indoor scavenger hunt, pictionary, quiz night and much more!

When and how does it take place?

We will meet every Thursday at 3pm, for games, chat and challenges to give young people a chance to let off steam and to help relieve social isolation.

The sessions will take place through a secure invitation-only portal via ZOOM and are only open to those who have booked and given consent.

The session will last no longer than an hour and will be hosted by Matrix youth workers. All our Youth Workers have been safely recruited, including completing an enhanced DBS check and sessions will be monitored by our Designated Safeguarding Lead (Misty Bower).

How does a young person join?

Just follow this link to book a place. Then, each week, you will receive a link to the Zoom Virtual Youth Hub via email, so you can join the social session. For safeguarding purposes it is important to note that your child will require the ability to join this call using video.

Disclaimer: any inappropriate behaviour will result in the young person being immediately removed from the online session.

Parent Information